GM case
October 11, 2021 Anvitha reddy Roll no:06 Below is an elog describing patient centered data approach and discussion regarding patient de-identified health data. Chief complaints A 15 year female patient, student by occupation from kashvarigudam came to causality with chief complaints 1. Bilateral lower limb swelling since last 15 days 2.abdominal distension since last 10 days 3. Cough associated with epigastric pain since 5 days 4. Fever four days back History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptotic 15 days back then she developed facial puffiness and swelling of upper and lower limbs extended up to thigh since 15 days and abdominal distension since last 10 days and abnormal menstrual cycle that is two cycles per month with clots she visited local hospital and went to hospital in Hyderabad we’re she was prescribed with medicine that didn’t reduce generalised edema , so she visited kamineni hosp...