
Showing posts from July, 2022


 Anvitha reddy  Roll no .06 Introduction  A 70 year old male resident of nalgonda  daily wage worker ( ploughing of seed , cotton picking ) by occupation came to hospital with cheif complaints of left eye blurred  vision. Chief complaints: Blurred vision ( left eye) since 1 year                                         Icthing all over the body since 2 months  History of presenting illness: He was apparently asymptotic 15 years ago, then he developed deformities in lower limb ( resorption and clawing of all his toes) . 10 years back , he had loss of sensation ( pain , touch, temperature,vibration) of upper limb and lower limb. Few years Back, he had right eye blurred vision for which he went through surgery which became normal  1 year back, he had left eye blurred vision  Since2-3 months ,itching all over the body and patches on the skin mainly seen on hands and hyerflexion of   DIJ          and hyperextension of. PIJ     and also burning psensation on the skin  3days back, he had epile